  • 10,000+ free DIY designs & projects (with instructions)
  • Commercial use license & POD license of particular designs
  • 100+ free DIY tutorials
  • AImake 200 AI credits
  • Unlimited AI-style usage
  • Max. 1 AI concurrent task
  • Commercial use license & POD license of all AI-generated contents
  • Designfind 200 points
  • 10,000+ free DIY designs & projects(with instructions)
  • Get limited subscriber-only designs for free monthly
  • Extra 15% discount on specific Premium Assets
  • Commercial use license & POD license of particular designs
  • 100+ free DIY tutorials
  • AImake 1,000 AI credits
  • Unlimited AI-style usage
  • Max. 4 AI concurrent tasks
  • AImake generates image queue priority
  • Commercial use license & POD license of all AI-generated contents
  • Designfind 300 points
  • 10,000+ free DIY designs & projects(with instructions)
  • Get unlimited subscriber-only designs for free
  • Extra 15% discount on specific Premium Assets
  • Commercial use license & POD license of particular designs
  • 100+ free DIY tutorials
  • AImake 2,000 AI credits
  • Unlimited AI style usage
  • Max. 8 AI concurrent tasks
  • AImake generates image queue priority
  • Commercial use license & POD license of all AI-generated contents

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