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American Bald Eagle Fishing Relief Engrave

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The American Bald Eagle Fishing Relief Engrave captures the powerful and majestic moment of a bald eagle in action, swooping down to snatch a fish from the water. The engraving is done on a 6.5” square piece of solid cherry wood, highlighting the eagle’s fierce determination and the fluid motion of its hunt. The fine details of the eagle’s wings, talons, and fish are brought to life through the rich color and fine grain of the cherry wood. The engraving process used the same techniques and similar settings as my previous deep relief engravings, resulting in a dynamic and captivating piece of art.
Production Info
Making Time
90 min
Difficulty Level
Application scenario
Laser processing
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module
xTool S1
Material used
Cherry Hardwood
The piece of Cherry is 6.5" x 6.5" x 3/4".
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.
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