Risk-free Commercial Use
Comprehensive Tutorial
Easy to Make
Graduation Keepsake Box

Premium Projects

  • Risk-free Commercial Use: Our commercial license lets you sell your creations worry-free, making business launch easy.
  • Comprehensive Tutorial: From drawing to machine settings, engraving, and assembly - we guide you through each step to simplify production.
  • Easy to Make: Import drawing to XCS with a click. Perfect for beginners.
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Digital Downloads
XCS *1
Box for keeping grad hat and cards. Big enough to fit a standard graduate cap and plenty of room for cards and other keepsakes.
Production Info
Making Time
120 min
Difficulty Level
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module
xTool P2
Material used
3mm Basswood Plywood A4
3mm Wood - Any type
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.
All Products can be used for Commercial Use.